How do I book a class?

All class bookings need to be made in advance by using our booking system, Momence by clicking here.

You can find our class timetable here.

Where is your studio located?

Our studio is located at 6 Mitti St, Blacksmiths NSW 2281.

How much are your classes?

We have a range of class pricing options to suit you.

Please click here to find which option is best for you.

What should I wear and bring?

Wear comfortable, movable clothing.

Please bring a Yoga mat, any props you would like to use, a towel or sarong to use as cover for bolsters and anything thing else you need to be comfortable water, jumper, hair tie etc.

Iā€™m new. Where should I start?

You are welcome to attend any of our classes as a beginner, however a great place to get started is with any of our Yin, Restore, Hatha or Luna classes. Please see all of our class types here.

How do I purchase a Gift Voucher?

Click here to purchase a Gift Voucher and share the gift of Yoga with someone special.